7 Simple Ways to Live a Healthy Rave Life

Ever heard of Healthy Rave Life? Read more to know about it. I often get asked how I go about surviving festivals from one weekend to another without getting sick or anything else and all the while maintaining a normal lifestyle Monday through to Friday.

Over the years I’ve come to realise how important it is to develop a normal routine outside of the festival bubble. Because for the most part we all leave a festival feeling rejoiced and vibrant but through fatigue, hangovers and other post festival states of mind come inevitable feelings of frustration, sometimes sadness, anger, anxiety and more.

We’ve all been there, the day after a rave after coming back from having the time of our lives we get hit with reality, things can feel a little distorted physically and emotionally. It can be a little difficult to cope sometimes! These simple tools and routines empower me to sustain a healthy rave life, and keep me feeling energized and level-headed from one festival to another!

Ways To Healthy Rave Life

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Diet and nutrition play a huge part in getting you back on track to feeling good after a music festival. Travelling to and attending music festivals can be exhausting, we deplete so many of our essential nutrients and minerals so it’s really important to make sure that you fill your tank back up on everything it needs to get your energy and mood levels back up.

Junk food may feel satisfying when you’re eating it but it’s not going to help you on your road to recovery. It’ll make you feel sluggish when you want to focus on foods that make your body feel amazing. I also have quite a rigorous supplements diet which helps me put everything back into balance and maintain a healthy rave life (*).

Coming soon: my food and supplement recommendations to refuel after rave day!

Get sweaty with regular exercise between music festivals, even if you don’t feel like it!

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Exercise is essential to a healthy rave life for two reasons. Firstly because the more I sweat the more toxins leave my body and the better I feel. It’s like hitting a reset button on my body. And secondly, having a strong workout routine inherently means you increase your fitness and stamina which gives you a stronger body that can carry you and rave for longer periods of time. So hauling yourself out of bed to exercise is actually a win in the long run!

I usually try to fit in three to four workouts every week, mixing up both resistance training and cardio. Always keeping in mind that I’m training to dance for longer at each festival I go to! And when I’m feeling particularly tired I lay off the weights and just opt for a few walks in the park with my bestie. Those are great too!

Catch up on that shut-eye.

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Resting and a healthy sleep routine between raves is just as important as getting your body moving and sweating in post festival recovery periods. I keep to a minimum of seven to eight hours of sleep every night on weekdays to compensate for the serious lack of sleep on the weekends. This gives my body enough time to unwind and relax.

Set goals and objectives, to give yourself structure and routine when you’re not in a festival context.

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Give yourself goals and objectives which will give you a good routine and will help make sure you don’t blur the line between the festival world and your real life. Have something that’s waiting for you, an ongoing project or a project start so you can jump right back into doing something that feels familiar and gives you structure. This can be something at work or in your personal life, anything that will help keep your mind busy and motivated.

Make time to do normal stuff and touch base with planet earth between festivals.

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Festivals are not the real world and it’s really important to bring yourself back from that head space when you’re not at one. To do so, I make sure to plan to do ‘normal’ things ahead of time. I usually look to do things that involve being social, that make me feel secure and make me laugh to avoid those post festival blues (more on this below)!

Have a cozy home to come back to.

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Travelling for festivals involves a lot of moving around. I’ve found that having a really comfortable happy space to come back to does wonders for my wellbeing. I’ve added a lot of colour, texture and life to my living space which immediately uplifts my mood when I get home. Think to add plants and images or pictures, things that just make you feel at calm and content, that are familiar and send out good vibes.

Take back control of your own thoughts, don’t let those post festivals demons take over.

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Over the years I’ve really turned my attention to developing my inner awareness and becoming more conscious of my thoughts which has naturally helped me flourish a more positive mindset and be more in control of my moods, my thoughts and my energy, which allows me to get through one festival after another. Once you begin opening yourself up to the idea of consciousness you start to realise how powerful the mind is and how much control you have over it despite what you might believe. What I’ve learned from having numerous battles with my own mind is that I’m actually in control; not it.

I realised that the thoughts in my head I’d created myself and I could just as easily uncreate them! So the aim of the game became to only create thoughts that would spread wellbeing for myself and others and uplift my own energy.

It really comes down to you believing in yourself, mastering your own mind and not letting those negative sabotaging thoughts come through. Practice makes perfect, trust me. It’s a pretty limitless concept that really supports a healthy rave life, I couldn’t imagine getting by without working on my inner self and emotions. I know it sounds ridiculous but it does work, it just takes commitment and perseverance to develop that inner strength.

Throughout the years I’ve definitely evolved as a raver, I now take my mind and body’s health way more seriously than I have ever done and I’ve found ways through trial and error to overcome or at least lessen those negative festival side effects. All this essentially means that I’m able to stay healthy and keep up with going to music festivals every weekend but also keep me on track to achieving my ‘real life’ goals and objectives.

All these things become easier to put into practice once you find your footing and find what works with the rest of the pieces in your life. The more you commit to them the closer you’ll get to closing the gap between music events and healthy living.

Looking for more festival tips and tricks? Check out some of my other guides now!
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(*) Disclaimer: I am not a certified dietician or nutritionist. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers before making any changes to your diet.
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